Idea & Goal

I've been developing a mechanism around the Quadratic Attention Payments (QAP) concept, which aims to rethink public advertising. By leveraging quadratic voting principles, this mechanism empowers users to influence the ads they view, incentivizes advertisers to produce higher-quality and more relevant content, offers more accurate — but private — data for publishers, and boosts revenue and rewards for all parties.


For greater context into its origin, the initial idea was proposed by Vitalik Buterin on his essay Quadratic Payments: A Primer. In it, he argues that public ads, as a subsector of public goods, are a non-optimal good as the public does not have an efficient way to coordinate in selecting the ads that interest them. Consequently, we end up with a lot of ads we actually don’t want to see.

This is the problem this mechanism tries to solve. Across several iterations, including with Vitalik’s direct feedback, I have matured the mechanism to its current version.

Quadratic Payments: A Primer

How QAP Can Work

The mechanism empowers:

At the end of the Advertiser’s campaign and after all the user preferences recorded, the ad gets extended or reduced according to the sum of the degrees of preference ($D$) — positive for upvotes, negative for downvotes:

$$ AdDurationVariance = Σ [Upvote(D)-Downvotes(D)] $$

Looking at the example below, the original duration of Advertiser A’s ad was 60 seconds and the $AdDurationVariance = +10$, therefore A’s ad gets extended to a total of 70 seconds.

Image 07-08-2023 at 00.59.jpeg

Users will get to see more of the ads that they value most and advertisers become incentivized to put up better and more valuable ads. The public good is improved through effective public coordination.